Once we presumed to found ourselves for good
Between its blue hills and those sandless shores
Where we spent our desperate night in prayer and vigil,
Once we had gathered driftwood, made a hearth
And Hung our cauldron like a firmament,
the island broke beneath us like a wave.
The land Sustaining us seemed to hold firm
Only when we embraced it in extremis.
All I believe that happened there was vision.
seamus heaney
Between its blue hills and those sandless shores
Where we spent our desperate night in prayer and vigil,
Once we had gathered driftwood, made a hearth
And Hung our cauldron like a firmament,
the island broke beneath us like a wave.
The land Sustaining us seemed to hold firm
Only when we embraced it in extremis.
All I believe that happened there was vision.
seamus heaney
l'illa que desapareix
quan presumiem d'haver-nos trobat de veritat
entre els seus turons blaus i aquelles costes sense sorra
a on passàvem les nostres nits desesperades pregant i fent vetlla,
quan havíem recollit una pila de fusta, fet la foguera
i penjat l'olla com un firmament,
l'illa es trencà sota nostre com una onada.
la terra que ens sostenia només semblava ferma
quan l'abraçàvem in extremis.
crec que tot el que va passar era una visió.
seamus heaney
seamus heaney
Love your blog, dland, I'll be following you!
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